#1: 12 Questions To Ask Yourself Before

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Have you ever wondered why, despite your best efforts, you haven’t become the person you aspire to be? If you had the chance to reshape yourself magically, what transformative shift would you choose? We ponder these questions because deep down, we all crave more from life.

Perhaps it’s a spiritual longing or a desire for a healthier, more vibrant body. Maybe it’s the pursuit of financial prosperity or the yearning for a deeply fulfilling relationship. Each of us has that unique vision of our best self, a version we often daydream about but struggle to bring to life.

You’ve likely taken steps towards that dream version of yourself—read books, attended courses, and invested time and effort. Yet, the outcome remains elusive. It’s not for lack of trying; sometimes, it’s because we unintentionally become our own stumbling block.

Are You the Biggest Obstacle to Your Own Success?

There’s a subtle, yet powerful, enemy within – yourself. It’s not deliberate; rather, it’s a human tendency to let past experiences and memories shape our present and future. Childhood trauma or the opinions of friends and family may have unconsciously steered you off course.

Commendably, you strive for positive change, a sign of high self-esteem and self-respect. Yet, in this pursuit, you might be inadvertently hindering your progress. Reflect on your deepest desires and the efforts you’ve made to manifest them. Dive into the why behind falling short of your goals. Did certain actions lead to less-than-ideal outcomes?

Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage

It’s a common human experience to resist change, even when consciously desired. Your inner voice might convince you that your current state is more than satisfactory, despite your conscious yearning for something different.

To create a roadmap toward your best self, start by tracking your efforts. Document the steps you’re taking to evolve into a better version of yourself. Note both the triumphs and setbacks. In this self-reflection, you might discover patterns and behaviors that hinder your progress.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and eliminate the barriers holding you back. As you unveil the layers of self-sabotage, empower yourself to make conscious choices that align with your aspirations.

Embark on Your Confidence-Boosting Journey

The path to your best self is an enchanting adventure, full of twists and turns. Break free from the shackles of self-sabotage, and watch as your confidence blossoms. If you’re ready to elevate your life and step into the realm of your best self, join me on this transformative journey.

Sign Up for Personalized Confidence Coaching

Take the next step towards your best self. Sign up for personalized confidence coaching services and let’s navigate this empowering journey together. Don’t just be a spectator in your life; be the protagonist of your success story. Embrace the positive change that awaits you.


When you’re engaged in doing something rewarding it helps to
motivate you to keep going even when things get tough. Start by
getting back in touch with your values and see if there is a
synergy between them and the things you will be doing in your
business. If not, see how you can spin things so that there is.

Not all great ideas make money. A good business idea addresses a
problem, need or pain that a particular group of people or
companies face. The problem must be significant enough to
warrant spending money to solve or alleviate. Before bringing a
new product or service to market, test your ideas and make sure
they’re profitable.

Who are my ideal target customers?

Every business needs customers. Successful businesses know
exactly how to describe who their best customers are, what
“pain” they’re feeling and what they need, want, desire and are
willing to pay for.

Learn everything you can about the others in your field who
provide similar products or services to the same ideal customer
– direct and indirect competition.
What makes your services or product unique above my competitors?
This is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) – what you’ll use
to make to your prospective customers buy your product or
service instead of buying from your competition. Why should your
customer make you their Marketer of Choice?


Have I established business goals?

Setting goals is an important part of any business plan. But
setting a goal is only part of the picture. Achieving goals is
even more important. Learn how to identify which goals are
important enough to commit to, and systematically work towards
them by breaking them down into steps, establishing timelines,
identifying resources needed, and benchmarks for success.

When you have your own business, there’s no boss or manager to
tell you what to do and when to do it. To get your business off
and running you’ll have to motivate yourself to get things

In my upcoming post I’ll be taking a look at HOW you should be
thinking as a successful marketer! Stay tuned!

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