#3 – Creating A Vision That Stays With You

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Any successful business owners that I’ve known ALL have vision.

Do you have a vision?

Many people have had a vision that they could focus on and then
lost sight of that vision. If you lose sight of your vision, you
begin to lose hope that you once had. I have lost hope before
and let me tell you from experience that when you lose the hope
that you once had it is game over.

I look around at the lives of others I see and it sure is not a
pretty picture. Seems like everyone I see is setting around
thinking poor, poor me. I remember those thoughts as well so I
know how easy it is to get to that place in life. One of the
biggest problems I see that is holding people back in life is a,
“victim mentality”.

Do you take the required action?

As Marketers I have really helped you out as a market in
general to remain in this state and even help you get to this

I used to tell you that 95% of you were going to fail trying to
achieve the steps I were laying out before you. The reason for
this was because you would not take the required action need to
make them work. I put the blame right on you. If a person is
not going to take action of any kind and just set around and
complain that they can’t figure things out then I guess they get
what they get. Wish I could help but it is not going to happen
unless I do it for them.

Is this scam?

Ahhh, isn’t that what I have sort of done now?

I decided if you were not going to do it yourself I would
promote ready-made systems that my team would set up for you so
that all you needed to do was click the buy now and start making

This is all very cool except for one part. It was not promoted
very clear in my videos  that you still needed to follow the
systems I was teaching before to make what was being set up
for you work. You still had to do the work to make the system
work. But because it was not really promoted in a clear manner
it has allowed you to say poor me you sold me something that is
supposed to solve all my problems by allowing me to make money
without any work involved. What a scammer.

Are you lack of vision?

You may think this is crazy and even foolish of me to say, but I
can send you support ticket after support ticket of people that
say what I just said almost word for word.

I have helped many people make it easy to blame us for their
lack of success.

But more often than not it really has to do with just the lost
or lack of vision for your own life.

What is your choice?

I have let any vision of success just seem to fade away and now
all we have left is this crazy victim mentality of poor lost me.
Look what the world has done to me. We do have a choice to make
at this point. Sure it may not have been our fault that we are
in the position we are in right now but it is our choice to
remain there.

What does this picture look like?

Here is what needs to happen. We need to work on getting our
visions back. Formulate and brand indelibly on your mind a
mental picture of yourself succeeding in life. What does this
picture look like? Go ahead and dare to dream again. Once you
get that picture in your mind you keep it there and do not under
any circumstance permit it to fade. Your mind will seek ways to
begin to develop this picture.

Your mind always tries to complete what it pictures so never
think of yourself as failing; never doubt the reality of that
mental image you can see. You need to be always picturing
’success’ no matter how badly things seem to be going on in your
current state of your life.

How BIG is your vision?

Remember when I told you I first decided that I wanted to make
just enough money to catch a few bills up from my online business?
What kind of mentality is this? It is the same mentality that many
others seem to take on and perhaps so have you. Many of us have
taken on a “just get by” mentality.

If your vision is small the outcome will be small. The size of
your vision will have a tremendous effect on the size of the

Do this exercise!

Keep your vision sharp and clear in your head. Even if you’re
feeling lazy or lethargic, take 5 minutes out of your day to go
somewhere quiet and to remember the vision you want for
yourself. Stay close to your vision, and take action everyday to
work towards it.

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