Are You the Reason You’re Not the Best Version of Yourself?

by | Mindset

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? If you could somehow wave a magic wand and create a better version of yourself, what change would take place? We ask those questions because most people want something more out of life.

This could be on a spiritual level. Perhaps some physical change to your body is desired. Would you like to be healthier in some way? How does your bank account look? Do you long for a healthy and fulfilling relationship?

Maybe the one thing you’d like to change more than anything else wasn’t mentioned. It’s very personal to you, and you often imagine a world where you were this dream version of yourself.

Identifying the Need for Transformation: 

Reflecting on Personal Aspirations

You may have suffered some dramatic trauma as a child. Psychologists tell us this can influence our actions for the rest of our lives. Maybe you worked hard to become better in some way, and you succeeded. Unfortunately, your friends and loved ones didn’t like the change you made. So you allowed their influence to return you to your previous self.

The Power of Self-Reflection:

Unveiling Barriers to Gro

It’s commendable to want to create positive change. If you want to become better in some way, that means you have a high level of self-esteem. You respect yourself enough to try to become the best version that you can be. That’s definitely possible, but not if you’re handicapping your own efforts.


Past Trauma and Present Behavior:

Understanding the Impact of Early Experiences

Take a look at the things that are really important to you. What big changes do you want to make in your life? Then look at the efforts you made to create those changes. Dig deep. Why did you come up short of the intended result? Did you do something that caused a less-than-favorable outcome?

We all do this. It’s normal and natural. Sometimes we’re just so comfortable where we are that even though we have a conscious desire for something different, our inner voice tells us where we are now is more than fine.


The Struggle for Self-Consistency:


Resisting Change Due to External Pressure

If you want more out of life if you want to create a better version of yourself, track your efforts. Write down what you’re doing to create a better version of who you are. Then record any failures or successes you have.

Embracing Self-Esteem:

Acknowledging the Drive for Personal Betterment

You might find out that you’re getting in your own way. This can help you eliminate behavioral patterns and actions that keep you from creating your best version.




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